Dr. Jessica Pomerantz
Dr. Pomerantz is frequently asked to speak on panels, providing trainings on trauma and psychology, and provide expert commentary. A sample of talks and press engagements are provided below:
Pomerantz, J. & Swan, S. (2023, September). Understanding Trauma: How to provide trauma-informed care. Talk presented at the domestic violence clinic within the University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2023, July). Are Your Values Aligned?: Organizational Development, Career Pathways and Personal Growth. Talk presented at the meeting of the Tales of a Cocktail, New Orleans, LA.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2023, July). Managing Your Teams’ Mental Health. Talk presented at the meeting of Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America, Milwaukee, WI.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2023, June). Sustainability and Workplace Wellbeing: The role and importance of meaning making. Talk presented at the meeting of Bar Convent Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY.
Pomerantz, J. (2023, April). Understanding Trauma: How to provide trauma-informed care. Talk presented at the education rights clinic within the University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC.
Pomerantz, J. (2022, November). Trauma-Informed Care: Using Coercive Control Theory. Talk presented at the colloquium of the University of South Carolina Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC.
Pomerantz, J. (2020, October). Intimate Partner Violence Victims’ Experiences with Legal Intervention. Talkpresented at the colloquium of the University of South Carolina Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC.
Pomerantz, J. & Swan, S. (2022, September). Understanding Trauma: How to provide trauma-informed care.Talk presented at the domestic violence clinic within the University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2022, July). “The Customer is Always Right” is Wrong!: Understanding how to identify and address manipulation and exploitation. Talk presented at the meeting of the Tales of a Cocktail, New Orleans, LA.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2022, July). Measuring Change: Using surveys to assess well-being at work. Talkpresented at the meeting of the Tales of a Cocktail, New Orleans, LA.
Pomerantz, J. & Green, L. (2022, July). Sexual Harassment and Workplace Safety Talk. presented at the meeting of the Tales of a Cocktail, New Orleans, LA.
Marshall, T., Jones, D., Knusel, J. & Pomerantz, J. (2022, April). How Can We Bring Humanity Back into Hospitality? [Webinar]. In Full Hands In, Full Hands Out Webinar Series.
Asefnia, N., Pomerantz, J. & Swan, S. (2021, September). Understanding Trauma: How to provide trauma-informed care. Talk presented at the domestic violence clinic within the University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC.
Jump, A., Paylor, L., Pomerantz, J., & Wang, S. (2021, August). Self-Service: Hospitality and Your Wellbeing [Webinar]. In Health and Wellness. Retrieved from https://sponsored.liquor.com/featured/bartender-of-the-year
Green, L. Summers, J., Pomerantz, J., Paylor, L., Bunni, M., & Meija, S. (2020, December). Oppressive Workspaces and Mental Health [Webinar]. In Healthy Pour Symposium. Retrieved from https://healthypour.org/oppressive-workspaces
Green, L. Jump, A., Watson., DJ., Pomerantz, J., & Magro, K. (2020, December). How Working in Hospitality Affects our Personal Well-being [Webinar]. In Healthy Pour Symposium. Retrieved from https://healthypour.org/hospitality-and-personal-wellbeing
Pomerantz, J., Asefnia, N., Feliciano, S., & Juraschek, E. (2020, November). The Effect of a Sense of Community on Sex Trafficking Rings. In J. Pomerantz (Chair), “Without Borders”: Coercion and Control in the United States. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.
Pomerantz, J. (2020, July). Creating community outside the workplace. Talk presented at the meeting of the Tales of a Cocktail, New Orleans, LA.
Green, L. & Pomerantz, J. (2020, April). Trauma and Emotional Burnout [Webinar]. In Healthy Pour Webinar Series. Retrieved from https://talesofthecocktail.org/get-involved/healthy-pour/
Green, L. & Pomerantz, J. (2020, April). The Roots of Emotional Intelligence and Healthy Coping Mechanisms [Webinar]. In Full Hands In, Full Hands Out Webinar Series. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2H-kep-CfEw&feature=emb_err_watch_on_yt
Swan, S. & Pomerantz, J. (2020, February). Why do people drug others? Using the theory of coercive action to understand the motives of druggers. Talk presented at the colloquium of the University of South Carolina Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC.